At Exploring Tree we acknowledge that days of enrolment impact all children and their interaction with the curriculum that occurs within the early childhood setting. Our aim is to enable children with the best foundations for learning and for them to fully engage and interact with the curriculum offered. Whilst we value that each family has differing needs, we also understand that predictability and consistency of attendance is vitally important for children. Consecutive days of enrolment allows children the chance to build social competencies by creating spaces where children are grouped with familiar educators and peers. Children who attend consecutively are more settled and confident in entering and engaging in the learning environment. Learning outcomes are richer as teachers can continue rich curriculum opportunities, revisited with the same groups of children and worked on with momentum in a thoughtful way.
At Exploring Tree we understand that each family has different needs. We acknowledge that for best possible outcomes for children, we do not offer one day enrolments, rather we invite families to enrol with 2, 3 and 5 day attendance patterns that run consecutively or a 4 day program with Wednesday as the day off.
Our attendance patterns are:
1. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
2. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
3. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
4. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
5. Monday, Tuesday
6. Thursday, Friday